Friday, April 16, 2010

Here we go...

After much deliberation, procrastination and mighty triumph...I have finally found my inner child and channeled her mighty creativity toward something constructive and rewarding! In recent months I have become increasingly fascinated with the simple pleasures of vintage mart shopping, garage sale browsing and Goodwill hunting.

I suppose this can be credited to a move from a tiny 1 bedroom apartment to a large 3 bedroom house...which has left me with many blank walls and open floor space! I am so grateful to finally have the room to work and be free to create. The day and I were introduced...was the day I became a doer and not simply a starter (aka non-finisher). Stick around for the soon-to-be-launched Splendid Living etsy store!

That being said...I'm here to share with friends and family, inspire others and hopefully contribute ideas to your own DIY home decor!

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